Oregon Invasive Weeds

Oregon Invasive Weeds

by Rod Smith

Former Iowa Certified Nurseryman and
Oregon Certified Nursery Professional

© 2008-2024 Rodney A. Smith
All rights reserved.

Sometimes plants used in landscapes are actually invasive plants and noxious weeds which will crowd out native plants. Avoid planting these plants. It is illegal to plant or transport plants which are listed as Oregon Noxious Weeds.

These weeds have been selected as top priority for control. The complete list of Oregon noxious weeds can be found at Oregon Noxious Weeds

T indicates weeds targeted for control or eradication.

Ailanthus altissima	Tree of Heaven			Oregon Noxious Weed
Crataegus monogyna	Oneseed Hawthorn                Oregon Noxious Weed
Elaeagnus angustifolia	Russian Olive			Invasive Plant

Buddleia davidii	Butterfly Bush			Oregon Noxious Weed
Buddleia variabilis	Butterfly Bush			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cytisus scoparius	Scotch Broom			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cytisus striatus	Portuguese Broom		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Daphne laureola		Spurge Laurel 			Oregon Noxious Weed
Genista monspessulana	French Broom			Oregon Noxious Weed
Rosa canina		Dog Rose			Oregon Noxious Weed
Rosa rubiginosa		Sweetbriar Rose			Oregon Noxious Weed
Rubus armeniacus	Armenian Blackberry		Oregon Noxious Weed
Rubus discolor		Himalayan Blackberry		Oregon Noxious Weed
Rubus procerus		Himalayan Blackberry		Oregon Noxious Weed
Spartium junceum	Spanish Broom			Oregon Noxious Weed
Tamarix ramosissima	Tamarisk, Salt Cedar		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Ulex europaeus		Gorse				Oregon Noxious Weed

Groundcovers and Vines
Clematis vitalba	Old Man's Beard			Oregon Noxious Weed
Delairea odorata        Cape Ivy                        Oregon Noxious Weed T
Hedera helix		English Ivy			Oregon Noxious Weed
Hedera hibernica	Irish Ivy		        Oregon Noxious Weed 
Pueraria lobata         Kudzu                           Oregon Noxious Weed T
Tribulus terrestris     Puncturevine                    Oregon Noxious Weed

Annuals and Perennials
Abutilon theophrasti	Velvetleaf			Oregon Noxious Weed
Aceana novae-zealandiae	Biddy-Biddy			Oregon Noxious Weed
Acroptilon repens	Russian Knapweed		Oregon Noxious Weed
Adonis aestivalis	Pheasant’s Eye			Oregon Noxious Weed
Aegilops cylindrica	Jointed Goatgrass		Oregon Noxious Weed
Aegilops triuncialis	Barbed Goatgrass		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Alliaria petiolata	Garlic Mustard			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Alyssum corsicum	Yelllowtuft			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Alyssum murale    	Yelllowtuft			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Ambrosia artemisifolia	Ragweed				Oregon Noxious Weed
Amorpha fruticosa	Indigo Bush			Oregon Noxious Weed
Anchusa officinalis	Common Bugloss			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Arundo donax		Giant Reed			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Berteroa incana		Hoary Alyssum			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Brachypodium sylvaticum	False Brome			Oregon Noxious Weed
Carduus acanthoides	Plumeless Thistle		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Carduus crispis		Welted Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Carduus nutans  	Musk Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed
Carduus pycnocephalus	Italian Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed
Carthamus lanatus	Wooly Distaff Thistle		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Centaurea diffusa	Diffuse Knapweed	        Oregon Noxious Weed
Centaurea calcitrapa	Purple Starthistle		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Centaurea iberica	Iberian Starthistle		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Centaurea pratensis	Meadow Knapweed		        Oregon Noxious Weed
Centaurea solstitialis	Yellow Starthistle	        Oregon Noxious Weed
Centaurea stoebe	Spotted Knapweed		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Centaurea virgata	Squarrose Knapweed		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Chondrilla junceaa	Rush Skeletonweed		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Cirsium arvense		Canada Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cirsium vulgare		Bull Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed
Conium maculatum	Poison Hemlock			Oregon Noxious Weed
Convolvulus arvensis	Field Bindweed			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cortaderia jubata	Jubata Grass, Purple Pampasgrass Oregon Noxious Weed
Crupina vulgaris	Common Crupina			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cuscuta approximate	Smoothseed alfalfa Dodder	Oregon Noxious Weed
Cuscuta indecora	Bigseed Dodder			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cuscuta pentagona	Five-angled Dodder		Oregon Noxious Weed
Cynoglossum officinale	Houndstongue			Oregon Noxious Weed		
Cyperus esculentus	Yellow Nutsedge			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cyperus rotundas	Purple Nutsedge			Oregon Noxious Weed
Cytissus scoparius	Scotch Broom			Oregon Noxious Weed
Ctyissus striatus	Portuguese Broom		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Dispascus laciniatus	Cutleaf Teasel			Oregon Noxious Weed
Echium pininana		Pine Echium			Oregon Noxious Weed	
Echium plantagineum	Paterson’s Curse		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Erica lusitanica	Spanish Heath			Oregon Noxious Weed
Euphorbia esula		Leafy Spurge			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Euphorbia myrsinites	Myrtle Spurge			Oregon Noxious Weed
Euphorbia oblongata	Oblong Spurge			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Fallopia japonica	Japanese Knotweed		Oregon Noxious Weed
Fallopia sachalinensis	Giant Knotweed			Oregon Noxious Weed
Fallopia x bohemica	Bohemian Knotweed		Oregon Noxious Weed
Galega officinalis	Goatsrue			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Genista monspessulana	French Broom			Oregon Noxious Weed
Geranium lucidum	Shiny Leaf Geranium		Oregon Noxious Weed
Geranium robertianum	Herb Robert, Stinky Bob		Oregon Noxious Weed
Halogeton glomeratus	Halogeton			Oregon Noxious Weed
Hemizonia pungens	Spikeweed			Oregon Noxious Weed
Heracleum mantegazzianum Giant Hogweed			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Hieracium aurantiacum	Orange Hawkweed		        Oregon Noxious Weed
Hieracium floribundum	Yellow Hawkweed		        Oregon Noxious Weed
Hieracium pratense	Meadow Hawkweed			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Impatiens glandulifera	Policeman's Helmet, Jewelweed	Oregon Noxious Weed
Isatis tinctoria	Dywer’s Woad			Oregon Noxious Weed
Kochia scoparia         Mexican Fireweed                Oregon Noxious Weed
Lamiastrum galeobdolon	Yellow Archangel		Oregon Noxious Weed
Lathyrus latifolius	Perennial Peavine		Oregon Noxious Weed
Lepidium draba		Whitetop, Hoary Cress		Oregon Noxious Weed
Lepidium latifolium	Perennial Pepperweed		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Lepidium pubescens	Hairy Whitetop	 		Oregon Noxious Weed
Linaria dalmatica	Dalmatian Toadflax		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Linaria vulgaris	Yellow Toadflax			Oregon Noxious Weed
Lysimachia vulgaris	Garden Yellow Loosestrife	Oregon Noxious Weed T 
Lythrum salicaria	Purple Loosestrife		Oregon Noxious Weed
Nardus stricta		Matgrass			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Onopordum acanthium	Scotch Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed
Onopordum tauricum	Taurian Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Orabanche minor		Small Broomrape			Oregon Noxious Weed
Peganum harmala		African Rue			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Phlaris arundinacea	Ribbongrass, Reed Canarygrass	Oregon Noxious Weed T
Pilosella aurantiacum	Orange Hawkweed			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Pilosella caespitosa	Meadow Hawkweed			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Pilosella floribundum	Yellow Hawkweed			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Pilosella pilosella	Mouse-ear Hawkweed		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Polygonum cuspidatum	Japanese Knotweed		Oregon Noxious Weed
Polygonum sachalinense	Giant Knotweed			Oregon Noxious Weed
Polygonum polystchyum	Himalayan Knotweed		Oregon Noxious Weed
Potentilla recta	Sulfur Cinquefoil		Oregon Noxious Weed
Ranunculus ficaria	Lesser Celandine		Oregon Noxious Weed
Saccharum ravennae	Ravengrass			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Salvia aethiopis	Mediterranean Sage		Oregon Noxious Weed
Senecio jaconbaea	Tansy Ragwort			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Silybum marianum	Milk Thistle			Oregon Noxious Weed
Solanum rostratum	Buffalobur			Oregon Noxious Weed
Sorghum halepense	Johnsongrass			Oregon Noxious Weed
Spartium junceun	Spanish Broom			Oregon Noxious Weed
Ulex europaeus		Gorse				Oregon Noxious Weed T
Ventenata dubia		Ventenata Grass			Oregon Noxious Weed
Xanthium spinosum	Spiny Cocklebur			Oregon Noxious Weed

Aquatic and Wetland Plants
Butomus umbellatus	Flowering rush			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Egeria densa(Elodea)	Brazilian Elodea		Oregon Noxious Weed
Iris pseudoacorus	Yellow Flag Iris	        Oregon Noxious Weed
Ludwigia grandiflora	Large-flower Water Primrose	Oregon Noxious Weed T
Ludwigia hexapetala	Water Primrose			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Ludwigia peploides	Floating Water Primrose		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Lythrum salicaria	Purple Loosestrife		Oregon Noxious Weed
Myriophyllum aquaticum	Parrot Feather			Oregon Noxious Weed
Myriophyllum spicatum	Eurasian Watermilfoil		Oregon Noxious Weed
Nymphoides peltata	Yellow Floating Heart		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Phragmites australis	Common Reed			Oregon Noxious Weed
Rorippa sylvestris	Creeping Yellow Cress		Oregon Noxious Weed
Sagittaria platyphylla	Delta Arrowhead			Oregon Noxious Weed T
Spartina alterniflora	Smooth Cordgrass		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Spartina anglica	Common Cordgrass		Oregon Noxious Weed
Spartina densiflora	Dense-flowered Cordgrass	Oregon Noxious Weed T
Spartina patens		Saltmeadow Cordgrass		Oregon Noxious Weed T
Sphaeruphysa salsula	Swainsonpea			Oregon Noxious Weed

Click on Oregon Noxious Weeds Profiles for pictures and descriptions of noxious weeds. A Listed Weeds are a minor or a potential problem. B Listed Weeds are a more serious problem. T Listed Weeds have been targeted for high priority control.

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