Spring flowering bulbs can be planted now if the soil is still workable. Plant in
well drained soil amended with sand or Profile Soil Conditioner. Add Bonemeal or Bulb
Bulbs can also be planted in pots, refrigerated for 6 weeks, then brought into room
temperature for winter flowers. Paperwhite Narcissus do not need to be refrigerated
first. They will bloom in six weeks.
Dig tuberous begonias, glads and dahlias and store them in vermiculite in a cool
place. Dahlias can be divided by cutting through the center stem so there is a bud
with each section of tubers. Broken tubers with no bud will not grow.
Deciduous trees and shrubs can be planted all winter if the soil
is workable.
Sod can be laid if the weather is mild and the soil is workable.
Apply a moss killer and lime before moss is a problem.
Prune Roses back to waist high so the winter winds do not rock the plants and damage
the roots.
Prune the old flowers off of Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) so the seeds do not become weeds.
Buddleias can also be cut back to several inches tall to keep them smaller without losing any flowers.
Prune back tree limbs that are overly long or have weak crotches so they are not
broken by the weight of ice and snow. Also remove any dead or diseased wood.
Apply Casoron around woody trees and shrubs to prevent weeds from appearing over
winter and in early spring. Casoron will prevent weeds for a year. Be careful to keep
it at least one foot away from lawns and bulbs.
Spread 1 to 3 inches of compost or mulch around trees, shrubs and flower beds. This
protects soil from erosion and protects roots from freezing. Be careful not to bury
low branches or pile mulch more than 1 inch deep around trunks since this might
allow soil diseases to infect the plant.
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