Oregon Native Landscape Plants

Oregon Native Landscape Plants

by Rod Smith

Former Iowa Certified Nurseryman and
Oregon Certified Nursery Professional

© 2008-2025 Rodney A. Smith
All rights reserved.

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Native Perennials and Groundcovers

Achillea millefolium          6-10 30" X 2'   Native. White, flat flowers in sum-
  Common Yarrow               Low  Sun-Part     mer. Good cut/dried flowers.  PNP
Achyls triphylla               6-9 10" X 6"   Native. Three lobed leaf with stalk
  Vanilla Leaf                Med. Shade-Part   of white flowers above leaf.  PNP
Adiantum aleuticum             4-9 18" X 18"  Native. Delicate looking leaves
  Northern Maidenhair Fern    Med. Shade-Part   with black stems.             PNP
Alisma gramineum                 5 12" X 12"  Native. White flowers in summer.
  Narrow-leaf Water Plaintain High Sun          Needs constantly wet soil.    PNP
Allium cernuum                   4 15" X 12"  Native. Pink flowers in summer.
  Nodding Onion               Med. Sun          Great for rock gardens.       PNP
Anaphalis margaritacea           3 2' X 1'    Native. Gray-green leaves. Papery
  Pearly Everlasting          L-M  Sun          white flowers in late summer. PNP
Anemone multifida              3-9 1' X 2'    Native. Yellow or purple flowers in
  Pacific Anemone             Med. Part Sun     summer. Attracts Hummers.     PNP
Antennaria argentea (luzuloides) 5 15" x 15"  Native. Drought tolerant. White
  Silver Pussytoes            Low  Sun          flowers in June.
Aquilegia formosa                3 2' X 1'    Native. Red flowers in May to Aug.
  Western Columbine           Low  Sun-Part     Attracts hummingbirds.        PNP
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi          2 8" X 4'    Native evergreen. Pink flowers.
  Kinnikinnick                L-M  Sun-Part     Red berries. Good groundcover.PNP
Armeria maritima                 4 10" X 1'   Native evergreen. Mound of leaves.
  Sea Thrift                  Med. Sun-Part     Pink or white flowers April-June.
Aruncus dioicus                  4 5' X 3'    Native. Creamy white flowers in
  Goat's Beard                M-H  Shade-Part   June-July. Dusky Azure Butterfly.
Asarum caudatum                4-8 4" X 2'    Native. Large, heart shaped leaves.
  Wild Ginger                 Med. Shade-Part   Maroon flowers early spring. PNP
Asclepias cordifolia             4 4' X 3'    Native. Lilac flowers July to Sept.
  Showy Milkweed              Med. Sun          Feeds hummers, Monarch butterfly.
Aster subspicatus                5 2' X 2'    Native. Drought tolerant. Purple
  Douglas Aster               Med. Sun          flowers in summer to fall.
Athyrium filix-femina          4-9 3' X 2'    Fine double cut leaves arch up and
  Lady Fern                   M-H  Sun-Shade    out.
Balsamorhiza sagittata           4 15" X 15"  Native. Drought tolerant. Yellow
  Arrowleaf Balsamroot        Low  Sun          flowers in spring.
Blechnum spicant               5-8 2' X 2'    Low spreading sterile fronds and
  Deer Fern                   Med. Shade-Part   upright fertile fronds.       PNP
Boykinia occidentalis            7 18" x 2'    Native. White flowers summer to
  Western Boykinia            Med. Shade        fall.                         PNP
Camassia quamash               6-9 18" X 12"  Native bulb. Blue flowers in
  Common Camas                High Sun-Part     spring.                       PNP
Carex barbarae                   5 30" X 30"  Native. Wetlands. Used by native
  Santa Barbara Sedge         High Sun          Americans to weave baskets.
Carex obnupta                    5 2' X 2'    Native. Grass-like. Spreads easily.
  Slough Sedge                M-H  Sun-Part     Great for erosion control.    PNP
Carex tumulicola               8-9 18" X 18"  Native evergreen grass. Tuft of
  Berkeley Sedge              Med. Sun-Part     narrow green leaves.          PNP
Ceanothus prostratus             5 4" X 3'    Native. Drought tolerant. Purple or
  Prostrate Ceanothus         Low  Sun          blue flowers in June. Groundcover
Clarkia amoena                   4 30" x 2'   Native annual. Drought tolerant.
  Farewell-to-spring          Low  Sun          Pink flowers in June. Bees.   PNP
Clarkia purpurea                 4 30" x 2'   Native annual. Drought tolerant.
  Purple Clarkia              Low  Sun          Purple flowers in June. Bees.
Cornus unalaschkensis            1 3" X 2'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Western Bunchberry          Med. Shade-Part   spring. Red berries in fall.  PNP
Delphinium trolliifolium       5-9 3' X 1'    Native. Long spike of purplish blue
  Poison Larkspur             Med. Shade-Part   flowers. WL butterfly, hummers
Deschampsia caespitosa         4-8 18" X 12"  Native. Dark green clump of grass.
  Tufted Hair Grass           L-H  Sun-Part     Seed stalks produce plantlets.PNP
Dicentra formosa                 3 12" X 18"  Native. Dark fern-like leaves.
  Western Bleeding Heart      L-M  Shade-Part   Pink flowers April to June.   PNP
Disporum hookeri              7-10 18" X 18"  Native. Nodding white flowers in
  Hooker's Fairy Bells        Med. Shade-Part   spring. Red berries.          PNP
Dodecatheon hendersonii          5 1' x 6"    Native. Pink to white flowers in
  Broad-Leaf Shooting Star    Low  Sun-Part     Feb-May. Attracts Bees.       PNP
Dodecatheon pulchellum           5 1' x 1'    Native. Magenta flowers in spring.
  Few Flowered Shooting Star  Med. Sun-Part     Feeds bees.                   PNP
Dryas octopetala               4-9 6" X 6"    Native evergreen groundcover. White
  Mountain Avens              Low  Sun          flowers in summer.
Dryopteris expansa             4-9 2' X 2'    Native. Finely divided upright 
  Wood Fern                   Med. Shade-Part   fronds die down in winter.    PNP
Eleocharis palustris             4 3' X 3'    Native wetland plant. Seed heads on
  Creeping Spike-rush         High Sun	        3' spikes for birds.          PNP
Elymus glaucus                   4 2' X 2'    Native. Dense clumps of blue grass.
  Blue Wild Rye               Low  Sun          blue grass.                   PNP
Erigeron decumbens               7 18' X 18"  Native evergreen. Light purple
  Seaside Daisy               Med. Sun-Part     flowers spring to fall.       PNP
Erigeron speciosus               3 18" X 18"  Native. Drought tolerant. Lavender
  Showy Fleabane              Med. Sun          petals w/ yellow center in summer
Eriogonum nudum                  4 3' X 2'    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Barestem Buckwheat          Low  Sun          Yellow flowers summer. Bees.  PNP
Eriophyllum lanatum              5 18" X 18"  Native. Drought tolerant. Yellow
  Oregon Sunshine             Low  Sun          flowers spring to summer.     PNP
Erythronium oregonum             6 12" X 6"   Native. Showy white flowers in
  White Fawn Lily             Med. Part Shade   spring. Dark marks on leaves. PNP
Eschscholzia californica         5 1' X 2'    Yellow, pink, or white poppies all
  California Poppy            L-M  Sun          summer. Attracts bees.        PNP
Festuca idahoensis               5 1' X 1'    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Idaho Fescue                Low  Sun          Blue foliage.
Festuca occidentalis             4 2' X 2'    Native. Drought tolerant. Blue-
  Western Fescue              Low  Sun-Part     green foliage.
Festuca roemeri                  7 2' X 2'    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Roemer's Fescue             Low  Sun          Blue-green foliage.           PNP
Festuca subulata                 5 1' X 1'    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Bearded Fescue              Low  Sun          Red seed heads.               PNP
Fragaria chiloensis              4 6" X 1'    Native evergreen groundcover. White
  Coastal Strawberry          Med. Sun-Part     flowers in spring. Red berries.
Fragaria vesca                   6 6" X 1'    Native evergreen groundcover. Edible
  Wood Strawberry             L-M  Sun-Part     berries. Drought tolerant.
Fragaria virginiana              5 6" X 1'    Native evergreen groundcover.
  Wild Strawberry             L-M  Sun-Part     Drought tolerant.             PNP
Gaillardia aristata              3 2' X 2'    Native. Daisy-like yellow, bronze
  Blanket Flower              Low  Sun          or red flowers for butterflies.
Gaultheria ovatifolia            8 3" X 12"   Native evergreen groundcover. Pink
  Oregon Wintergreen          High Part Sun     flowers in summer. Edible berries
Geum macrophyllum
  Large Leafed Avens
Gilia capitata                   4 6" X 1'    Native. Blue flowers in spring.
  Bluehead Gilia              Med. Sun          Drought tolerant. Butterlies. PNP
Helenium hoopesii                4 3' x 1'    Native. Drought tolerant. Yellow-
  Orange Sneezeweed           Med. Sun          orange flowers in summer
Heracleum maximum                4 4' X 4'    Native. Huge clusters of white flowers.
  Cow parsnip                 Med. Sun-Part     Attracts bees, butterflies.   PNP
Heuchera micrantha               4 18" X 18"  Native. Drought tolerant. White
  Alum Root                   Low  Sun-Part     flowers spring to summer.     PNP
Iris douglasiana                 5 15" X 15"  Native. Cream to purple flowers
  Douglas iris                Med. Shade-Part   in May. Attracts hummingbirds.
Iris missouriensis               4 2' X 1'    Native. Blue t deep violet flowers
  Rocky Mountain Iris         Med. Sun          in May. Likes wet soil.
Iris tenax                       5 15" X 18"  Native. Purple flowers with yellow
  Oregon iris                 L-M  Sun-Part     or white. Drought tolerant.   PNP
Juncus ensifolius                5 2' X 2'    Native evergreen. Tolerates wet
  Dagger-leaf Rush            Med. Sun          soil. Brown seed heads.       PNP
Lewisia columbiana               4 6" X 8"    Native evergreen. Light pink flo-
  Columbia lew., Bitterroot   Low  Sun          wers. Needs good drainage.
Ligustichum apifolium            7 3' X 3'    Native. Drought tolerant. White
  Parsley-leaf Lovage         Low  Sun          flowers in June.              PNP
Lilium columbianum            5-10 30" X 12"  Native. Orange flowers with purplish
  Tiger Lily                  Med. Sun-Part     spots in summer. Bees butfly. PNP
Limnanthes douglasii          2-11 15" X 15"  Native self sowing annual.  Yellow
  Douglas' Meadowfoam         High Sun          and white spring flowers.
Linum lewisii                    5 15" X 12"  Native. Delicate blue flowers on
  Blue Flax                   Low  Sun          slender stalks. Drought tolerant.
Lupinus polyphyllus            3-9 4' X 1'    Native. Short lived but reseeds.
  Large Leaf Lupine           L-M  Sun-Shade    Blue purple or violet flowers.PNP
Lupinus rivularis              6-9 2' X 2'    Native. Purple-blue flowers in  PNP
  Stream-bank Lupine          Med. Part Sun     spring.                       PNP
Lysichitum armericanus           6 2' X 1'    Native. Yellowish flower in May.
  Skunk Cabbage               High Sun-Part     Needs wet soil.
Maianthemum dilatatum          5-9 1' X 1'    Native. White flowers in spring to
  False Lily-of-the-Valley    M-H  Shade-Part   summer. Red berries.          PNP
Maianthemum racemosum            3 3' X 18"   Tall plumes of fuzzy white flowers.
  False Solomon's Seal        M-H  Shade-Part   Red & white speckled fruit.   PNP
Maianthemum stellatum            3 18" x 18"  Native. White flowers in spring to
  Starry False Solom. Seal    L-M  Shade-Part   Red & white speckled fruit.   PNP
Mimulus guttatus                 5 18" X 18"  Native. Yellow flowers in spring to
  Yellow Monkey Flower        M-H  Sun-Part     summer. Attracts hummingbirds.PNP
Nemophila menziesii            3-9 6" X 12"   Native annual. Self sowing. Blue
  Baby Blue Eyes              M-H  Part Shade   flowers in spring.            PNP
Nuphar polysepala                4 1' X 2'    Native. Yellow flowers in summer.
  Yellow Water Lily           High Sun          Grows in 3' to 5' deep water. PNP
Oxalis oregana                   7 6" X 30"   Native groundcover for shade. White
  Wood Sorrel                 Med. Shade-Part   flowers April-August.         PNP
Penstemon richardsonii        5-10 2' X 2'    Native. Pinkish flowers in 
  Richardson's Penstemon      Med. Part Sun     summer to fall.               PNP
Penstemon serrulatus           4-7 18" X 18"  Native. Purple flowers in summer.
  Cascade Penstemon           Med. Sun-Part     Good cut flowers.             PNP
Petasites frigidus            6-10 15" X 15"  Native. White flowers in spring.
  Sweet Coltsfoot             High Shade-Part   Large round leaves.           PNP
Phlox diffusa                  4-8 4" X 1'    Native evergreen. Pink flowers in
  Spreading Phlox             Med. Sun          spring.
Polemonium pulcherimum           5 10" X 10"  Native. Drought tolerant. Blue
  Jacob's Ladder              Low  Sun          flowers in June.
Polypodium glycyrrhiza         4-9 10" X 10"  Native evergreen. Edible root
  Licorice Fern               High Shade-Part   tastes like licorice.         PNP
Polystichum munitum              5 3' X 3'    Native evergreen. Excellent for
  Western Sword Fern          L-M  Shade-Part   woodsy area. Tolerates dry.   PNP
Potentilla pacifica                6" X 1'    Native groundcover. Yellow flowers
  Pacific Silverweek          Med. Sun-Part     in spring to summer.
Rubus pedatus                    4 2" X 6'    Native evergreen groundcover. Small
  Evergreen Blackberry        Low  Sun-Part     white flowers. Edible red fruit.
Sagittaria latifolia             4 2' X 2'    Native. White flowers in late sum-
  Wapato                      High Sun          mer. Produces edible tuber.   PNP
Saxifraga rufidula                 6" X 6"    Native. White flowers in spring to
  Rusty-hair Saxifrage        High Part Shade   summer.
Scabiosa columbaria              5 18" X 18"  Blue, pink or white flowers June to
  Pincushion                  Low  Sun-Part     frost. WL hummingbird butterflies
Scirpus microcarpus              5 3' X 3'    Native. White flowers in summer.
  Small Flowered Bulrush      High Sun-Part                                   PNP
Sedum lanceolatum                5 3" X 1'    Native groundcover. Yellow flowers
  Stonecrop                   Low  Sun          in late spring. Drought tolerant.
Sedum oreganum                   7 3" X 1'    Native evergreen groundcover.
  Oregon Stonecrop            L-M  Sun-Part     Yellow flowers in summer.     PNP
Sedum spathulifolium             5 4" X 4"    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Spatula-leaf Stonecrop      Low  Sun-Part     Yellow flowers May to July.   PNP
Sidalcea campestris              7 4' X 18"   Native. Drought tolerant.
  Meadow Checkermallow        Med. Sun-Part     Feeds bees and butterflies.   PNP
Sidalcea cusickii                7 4' X 2'    Native. Pink flowers in May-July.
  Cusick's Checkermallow      Med. Sun-Part     Feeds birds, bees and butterflies
Sisyrinchium bellum              8 10" X 8"   Native. Drought tolerant. Blue
  Blue-eyed Grass             Low  Sun          flowers spring to summer.
Sisyrinchium californicum        8 15" X 15"  Native. Drought tolerant. Yellow
  Yellow-eyed Grass           Low  Part Sun     spring flowers attract butterfly.
Sisyrinchium douglasii         4-9 12" X 12"  Native. Reddish-purple flowers in
  Grass-widow                 Med. Sun          spring.
Sisyrinchium idahoense        4-10 12" X 12"  Native. Blueish-purple flowers in
  Blue-eyed Grass             Med. Sun          spring.                       PNP
Solidago canadensis              4 3' X 3'    Native. Drought tolerant. Yellow
  Goldenrod                   Low  Sun          flowers summer to fall.
Synthyris reniformis               3" X 3"    Native. Purple late winter
  Spring Queen                Med. Part Shade   to spring.                    PNP
Tellima grandiflora            4-8 2" X 1'    Native. Fragrant pink flowers in
  Fringe Cup                  Med. Shade-Part   spring-early summer. Spreads. PNP
Thalictrum occidentale           6 30' X 30'  Native. Drought tolerant. Pink and
  Western Meadowrue           Med. Part Shade   green flowers spring-summer.  PNP
Tiarella trifoliata            3-9 10" X 12"  Native. Small white flowers in dense
  Foamflower                  Med. Shade        patches.                      PNP
Tolmiea menziesii              6-9 2' X 2'    Native. Maroon flowers in spring to
  Piggyback Plant             M-H  Shade-Part   Summer. Spreads.              PNP
Trillium ovatum                  4 1' X 6"    Native. Three leaves with white
  Western Trillium            Med. Shade-Part   flowers in March. Acid soil.  PNP
Typha latifolia                  4 6' X 4'    Native bog plant. Makes thick
  Cattails                    High Sun          clumps in moist soil.
Vancouveria hexandra           5-9 10" X 8"   Native. White flowers spring to
  Inside-out Flower           L-M  Shade-Part   summer.                       PNP
Veratrum californicum            3 5' X 2'    Native. Green flowers May-June.
  Corn Lily                   High Shade-Part   Deep veined leaves. Poisonous.PNP
Viola adunca                   3-9 4" X 6"    Native. Purple flowers in spring to
  Early Blue Violet           L-M  Sun-Shade    summer. Attracts butterflies. PNP
Viola glabella                   6 8" X 8"    Native. Small heart-shaped flowers.
  Yellow Wood Violet          Med. Shade-Part   Small yellow spring flowers.  PNP
Viola sempervirens             3-8 4" X 6"    Native evergreen. Pale yellow flow-
  Evergreen Violet            Med. Shade-Part   er.                           PNP
Wyethia angustifolia           3-8 2' X 1'    Native. Large sunflower like flower 
  Narrow-Leaved Mules Ear     L-M  Sun-Part     heads.
Woodwardia fimbriata             8 6' X 5'    Native. Drought tolerant. Evergreen
  Giant Chain Fern            Med. Part Shade   fronds.
Xerophyllum tenax                3 5' X 3"    Native evergreen. Grass like leaves
  Beargrass                   Low  Sun-Part     and creamy plume flowers.

Native Shrubs

Amelanchier alnifolia            4 10' X 6'   Native. White flowers in spring.
  Western Serviceberry        L-M  Sun-Part     Purplish berries feed birds.  PNP
Arctostaphylos columbiana        7 6' X 6'    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Hairy Manzanita             Low  Sun          Pink flowers in spring.       PNP
Azalea occidentale               4 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. Fragrant flowers
  Western Azalea              Med. Sun-Part     for hummingbirds and butterflies.
Berberis aquifolium              5 5' X 3'    Native evergreen. Yellow flowers in
  Oregon Grape                Low  Sun-Part     March. Black, edible berries. PNP
Berberis nervosa                 6 2' X 4'    Native evergreen. Yellow flowers in
  Leatherleaf Oregon Grape    L-M  Shade-Part   spring. Drought tolerant.     PNP
Berberis repens                  4 2' X 3'    Native evergreen. Yellow flowers in
  Leatherleaf Mahonia         Low  Shade-Part   spring. Blue berries in fall.
Berberis thunbergii              4 5' X 5'    Yellow flowers and red berries.
  Japanese Barberry           Med. Sun-Part     Thorns.      WL birds butterflies
Berberis verruculosa             6 3'X 3'     Evergreen. Purplish flowers. Black
  Warty Barberry              Med. Sun          berries. Thorns. WL birds butrfly
Ceanothus integerrimus           5 8' X 6'    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Mountain Lilac, Deer Brush  Low  Sun-Part     Blue flowers in late spring.
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus           7 15' X 15'  Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Blue Blossom                Low  Sun          Blue blossoms attract bees.
Ceanothus velutinus var. laeve.  1 3' X 3'    Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Mountain Balm               L-M  Sun          White flowers in mid-spring.  PNP
Cercocarpus ledifolius           3 12' X 10'  Evergreen. Yellow funnel flowers in
  Curl-leaf Mtn. Mahogany     Low  Sun-Part     spring. Drought tolerant.
Cornus sericea                 2-8 6' X 8'    Deciduous native. Drought tolerant.
  Red Osier Dogwood           Med. Sun-Part     White flowers in spring.      PNP
Corylus cornuta                  3 20' X 20'  Native deciduous. Suckers freely
  Hazelnut                    Med. Sun-Shade    for hedge. Yellow fall leaves.PNP
Fuchsia magellanica            7-9 3' X 3'    Native deciduous. Violet, white and
  Hardy Fuchsia               High Part Shade   red flowers July-Oct.
Garrya elliptica              7-11 6' X 6'    Native evergreen. Leaves with woolly
  Coast Silk Tassel           Low  Sun-Part     yellowish catkins in January.
Gaultheria shallon             6-8 1-3' X 3'  Native evergreen. Pink flowers in
  Salal                       L-M  Shade-Part   spring. Black edible berries. PNP
Heteromeles arbutifolia          7 8' X 5'    Native deciduous. Drought tolerant.
  Toyon                       Low  Sun          White flowers summer. Red berries
Holodiscus discolor           5-10 12' X 10'  Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Ocean Spray                 L-M  Sun-Part     May to July. Drought tolerant.PNP
Ilex glabra                    5-9 10' X 6'   Native evergreen. Small flowers in
  Inkberry.                   High Part Shade   summer. Black berries for birds.
Juniperus communis               3 1' X 6'    Native evergreen. Many forms. Very
  Common Juniper              Low  Sun          drought tolerant. Berries.
Linnaea borealis               3-8 6" X 2'    Native evergreen. Pairs of fragrant
  Twinflower                  Med. Sun-Part     pink flowers in May.
Lonicera involucrata          4-10 8' X 6'    Native. Yellow flowers in Mar-Aug.
  Twinberry Honeysuckle       High Sun-Shade    Berries. Butterflies, Hummers PNP
Myrica californica               7 10' X 8'   Native evergreen. Excellent hedge
  California Wax Myrtle       Low  Sun-Shade    or screen.
Oemleria cerasiformis            6 8' X 5'    Native. Drought Tolerant. Yellow
  Indian Plum                 L-M  Sun-Shade    flowers in April.             PNP
Philadelphus lewisii           5-8 8' X 5'    Native deciduous. Fragrant white
  Native Mockorange           Low  Sun-Shade    summer flowers. Fall yellow.  PNP
Physocarpus capitatus          4-9 8' X 6'    Native. White flowers in spring.
  Native Ninebark             M-H  Sun-Part     Tolerates wet to medium soil. PNP
Prunus virginiana                2 15' X 10'  Native deciduous. Clusters of white
  Choke Cherry                Med. Sun-Part     flowers. Black berries.       PNP
Rhododendron macrophyllum        5 8' x 8'    Native Evergreen. Pink flowers in
  Pacific Rhododendron        Med. Shade-Part   late spring.
Ribes sanguineum               6-8 6' X 4'    Native deciduous. Red flowers in
  Red Flowering Currant       L-M  Sun-Part     March and April. Dark berries.PNP
Rosa gymnocarpa                  5 5' X 3'    Native deciduous. Pink flowers in
  Baldhip Rose                L-M  Sun-Part     summer. Red hips feed birds.  PNP
Rosa nutkana                     5 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. Pink roses in
  Nootka Rose                 L-M  Sun-Part     June. Orange hips feed birds. PNP
Rosa pisocarpa                   7 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. Pink roses in
  Swamp Rose                  L_M  Sun          May-July. Red hips feed birds.PNP
Rosa woodsii                     5 6' x 6'    Native deciduous. Drought Tolerant.
  Wood's Rose                 Med. Sun-Part     Pink flowers. Hips feed birds.
Rubus parviflorus                4 4' X 4'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Thimbleberry                L-M  Sun-Shade    May for hummers. Edible berry.PNP
Rubus spectabilis                7 5' X 5'    Native. Deep pink flowers in spring
  Salmonberry                 M-H  Sun-Part     and edible berries in summer. PNP
Salix exigua                     4 15' X 15'  Native deciduous. Drought tolerant.
  Narrowleaf Willow           Med. Shade        White catkins in spring.      PNP
Sambucus caerulea                4 12' X 8'   Native deciduous. Drought tolerant.
  Blue Elderberry             L-M  Sun-Part     Edible berries feed wildlife. PNP
Sambucus racemosa              4-9 12' X 10'  Native deciduous. Drought tolerant.
  Red Elderberry              Med  Sun-Shade    Inedible berries feed birds.  PNP
Shepherdia argenteus             2 8' X 5'    Native deciduous. Silver gray. Red
  Silver Buffalo Berry        Any  Sun-Part     berries attract birds.
Sorbus scopulina                 3 10' X 10'  Native. Drought tolerant. White
  Cascade Mountain Ash        Low  Sun          flowers in May. Red berries.
Spiraea douglasi               6-8 6' X 5'    Native. Clusters of pink flowers in
  Hardhack Spirea             L-M  Sun-Part     summer. White leaf underside. PNP
Spiraea lucida                   4 30" X 30"  Native. Drought tolerant. White
  Shinyleaf Spirea            Med. Sun          flowers in late spring.       PNP
Streptopus amplexifolius       3-7 30" X 1'   Native. Yellow flowers in May-July.
  Clasping Leaf Twisted-stalk Med. Shade-Part   Edible red berries.
Symphoricarpos albus           3-8 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Common Snowberry            L-M  Sun-Shade    May. White berries for birds. PNP
Symphoricarpos mollis            7 15" X 3'   Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Creeping Snowberry          Low  Sun-Shade    May. White berries for birds. PNP
Vaccinium membranaceum           5 4' X 4'    Native. Drought tolerant. White
  Thin-leaf Huckleberry       Low  Shade        flowers in summer. Edible fruit.
Vaccinium ovatum               6-8 4' X 4'    Native evergreen. Pink flowers in
  Evergreen Huckleberry       L-M  Sun-Shade    spring. Edible black berries. PNP
Vaccinium parvifolium            5 6' X 6'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Red Huckleberry             L-M  Shade-Part   April-May. Edible red berries.PNP
Viburnum edule                   4 8' X 6'    Deciduous. White flowers and red
  Squashberry                 Med. Sun-Part     berries. Red leaves in fall.
Viburnum ellipticum              2 10' X 10'  Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Wild Raisin                 Med. Sun-Part     spring to summer.  Fall fruit.PNP
Viburnum trilobum                2 8' X 8'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  High Bush Cranberry         Med. Sun-Part     spring. Red berries in fall.

Native Trees

Abies grandis                    5 150' X 40' Native pyramidal evergreen. Likes
  Grand Fir                   Med. Sun-Shade    cool, moist soil.             PNP
Abies lasiocarpa                 5 25' X 15'  Native evergreen. Slow growing.
  Alpine Fir                  Med. Sun-Part     Likes cool, moist soil.
Abies procera                    5 90' X 20'  Native pyramidal evergreen. Short
  Noble Fir                   Med. Sun-Part     stiff branches.
Acer circinatum                  6 25' X 20'  Native tree with multiple trunks.
  Vine Maple                  Med. Sun-Shade    Red fall leaves.              PNP
Acer macrophyllum                5 70' X 30'  Native. Large tree with big leaves.
  Bigleaf Maple               L-M  Shade-Part   Yellow in fall.               PNP
Alnus rubra                      4 100' X 40' Native. Fast growing. Yellow fall
  Red Alder                   High Sun-Part     leaves. Attracts birds.       PNP
Arbutus menziesii                3 50' X 50'  Native evergreen. White flowers in
  Madrone                     Low  Sun-Part     spring. Red fruit in fall.    PNP
Betula papyrifera                2 50' X 35'  Oval shape. White bark. Yellow fall
  Paper Or Canoe Birch        Med. Sun          leaves.
Calocedrus decurrens             6 75' X 20'  Native pyramidal evergreen. Fra-
  Incense Cedar               Low  Sun-Part     grant twigs.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana         6 40' X 20'  Native evergreen. Pyramidal shape
  Port Orford Cedar           Med. Sun-Part     with drooping branches.
Chrysolepis chrysophylla         7 50' X 25'  Native evergreen. White flowers in
  Golden Chinquapin           Low  Sun-Part     spring. Nuts eaten by jays.
Cornus nuttallii                 4 40' X 20'  Native. Large white flowers in May.
  Pacific Dogwood             L-M  Shade-Part   Red fall leaves. Likes dry.   PNP
Corylus cornuta                4-8 12' X 10'  Native. Edible nuts called filberts.
  Western Hazelnut            Med  Sun-Part                                   PNP
Crataegus douglasii              5 30'X 20'   Native. Clusters of white flowers.
  Black Hawthorn              Med. Sun-Part     Large edible scarlet berries. PNP
Crataegus suksdorfii             7 30' x 20'  Native. White flowers in spring.
  Klamath Hawthorn            Low  Sun          Black fruit. Thorns.          PNP
Frangula purshiana               3 30' X 25'  Native. Greenish-yellow flowers in
  Cascara                     Med. Shade-Part   May-June. Berry attract birds.PNP
Juniperus scopulorum             3 15' X 8'   Pyramidal evergreen. Silvery blue
  Rocky Mountain Juniper      Low  Sun          needles. Drought tolerant.
Malus fusca                      4 30' X 35'  Native. White flowers in spring.PNP
  Western Crabapple           Med. Sun-Part     Birds eat yellow or red fruit.
Picea sitchensis                 5 150' X 30' Native pyramidal evergreen. Moist
  Sitka Spruce                L-M  Sun-Part     but well drained soil.
Pinus contorta contorta          5 25' X 25'  Native rounded evergreen.
  Shore Pine                  Low  Sun          Drought and salt tolerant.
Pinus contorta latifolia         4 80' X 20'  Native evergreen. Tall narrow tree.
  Lodgepole Pine              Low  Sun          Short needles in bundles of two.
Pinus contorta murrayana         4 60' X 25'  Native evergreen. Slow growing.
  Murrayana Pine              Low  Sun          Narrow in groves, Wide alone.
Pinus ponderosa                  3 200' X 30' Native evergreen. Long needles.
  Ponderosa Pine              Low  Sun          Black and orange bark.        PNP
Populus tremuloides              3 30' X 15'  Native. Leaves flutter in a slight
  Quaking Aspen               Med. Sun-Part     breeze. Golden fall leaves.   PNP
Populus trichocarpa            4-8 100' X 25' Native. Stabilizes stream banks.
  Black Cottonwood            Med. Sun          Cottony seeds.                PNP
Prunus emarginata                4 30' X 20'  Native. Small white flowers. Small
  Bitter Cherry               Med. Sun-Part     bitter cherries attract birds.PNP
Prunus virginiana              2-7 20' X 15'  Native. White flowers in spring.
  Common Chokecherry          L-M  Sun-Part     Yellow-orange fall leaves.    PNP
Pseudotsuga menziesii            4 200' X 50' Native pyramidal evergreen. Fast
  Douglas Fir                 L-M  Sun-Part     growing.                      PNP
Quercus garryana                 6 65' X 50'  Native. Red fall leaves. Needs good
  Oregon White Oak            Low  Sun          drainage.                     PNP
Rhus glabra                      3 12' X 15'  Native. Drought tolerant. Red fall
  Smooth Sumac                Low  Sun          leaves. Red berries attract birds
Salix lasiandra                  3 40' X 30'  Native. Used to stabilize stream
  Pacific Willow              High Sun          banks.                        PNP
Taxus brevifolia               5-9 40' X 30'  Native. Dark green flat needles.
  Pacific Yew                 M-H  Sun-Shade    Red berries.                  PNP
Thuja plicata                    5 100' X 30' Native evergreen. Narrow with
  Western Red Cedar           Any  Shade-Part   drooping branches.            PNP
Tsuga heterophylla               4 150' X 40'  Native pyramidal evergreen. White 
  Western Hemlock             Med. Sun-Shade     band on bottom of needles.   PNP
Tsuga mertensiana                4 30' X 15'  Native evergreen. Slow growing.
  Mountain Hemlock            Med. Sun-Part     Thrives on cool, moist slope.
Umbellularia californica         7 25' X 25'  Native evergreen. Slow growing.
  Oregon Myrtle               Low  Sun-Part     Tiny yellow flowers in spring.

Native Vines

Clematis columbiana              4 1' X 3'    Native. Drought tolerant. Violet-
  Rock Clematis               Med. Sun          blue flowers in spring.
Lonicera cilosa                  5 15' X 15'  Native. Drought tolerant. Orange
  Orange Honeysuckle          Low  Shade        flowers attract hummingbirds.
Lonicera hispidula               5 12' X 12'  Native. Drought tolerant. Pink
  Pink Honeysuckle            Low  Sun-Part     flowers attract hummingbirds. PNP
Rubus ursinus                  3-9 1' X 15'   Native. White flowers in spring.
  Pacific Blackberry          Med. Sun-Shade    Shiny black fruit.            PNP

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