Vines by Color Season and Height

Vines by Color Season and Height

by Rod Smith

Former Iowa Certified Nurseryman and
Oregon Certified Nursery Professional

© 1999-2024 Rodney A. Smith

Click on underlined plant names to see a picture.

Low = below 5 feet, Medium = 5 feet to 12 feet, Tall = over 12 feet

Medium Spring Vines
Tall Spring Vines
Medium Summer Vines
Tall Summer Vines
Medium Fall Vines
Tall Fall Vines
Medium Winter Vines
Low All Year Vines

Scientific name          USDA Zone Height X Width      Description
  Common name                Water Exposure

Medium Spring Vines

Akebia quinata                   5 12' X 15'  Semi-evergreen. Purple flowers in  
  Fiveleaf Akebia             Med. Sun-Shade    Spring. Edible purple fruit.     
Clematis hybrids               4-8 10' X 10'  Deciduous. Large flowers of many   
  Deciduous Clematis          Med. Sun-Part     colors in spring or summer.      
Gelsemium sempervirens           7 15' X 15'  Evergreen. Fragrant yellow         
  Carolina Jessamine          Med. Sun          flowers in spring.               
Holboellia coracea China Blue  7-9 10' X 10'  Evergreen. Fragrant creamy white   
  China Blue Vine             Med. Sun-Shade    flowers in Spring. Blue berries. 
Jasminum polyanthum              9 10' X 10'  Evergreen. Fast growing. Fragrant  
  Pink Jasmine                Med. Sun-Part     pink flowers April to July.      
Rubus ursinus                    5 4" X 8'    White flowers in the spring. Deli-
  Dewberry, Trailng Blackber. Med. Sun-Part     cious berries in mid-summer.

Tall Spring Vines

Clematis armandii              7-8 25' X 25'  Evergreen. Fragrant white          
  Armandi Evergr. Clematis    Med. Sun-Shade    flowers in spring.               
Schizophragma hydrangeoides    6-9 30' X 30'  Deciduous. White flowers in Spring.
  Japanese Hydrangea Vine     Med. Part Shade               
Wisteria floribunda              5 25' X 25'  Deciduous. Long strings of white   
  Japanese Wisteria           Low  Sun          pink or purple flowers in Spring.
Wisteria sinensis                5 20' X 20'  Deciduous. Clusters of purple or   
  Chinese Wisteria            Low  Sun-Part     white flowers in Spring & Summer.

Medium Summer Vines

Campsis tagliabu. 'Madame Galen' 5 15' X 15'  Deciduous. Salmon red flowers in   
  Madame Galen Trumpet Vin    Med. Sun-Part     late summer.                     
Hydrangea anomala petiolaris   4-9 15' X 15'  Deciduous. Flat, wide lacecap      
  Climbing Hydrangea          Med. Shade-Part   flowers in summer.               
Jasminum x stephanense        7-10 10' X 10'  Deciduous. Very fragrant, pink     
  Stephan Jasmine             Med. Sun-Part     flowers in summer.            
Lonicera japonica 'Purpurea'   4-9 12' X 12'  Deciduous. Purplish leaves with red
  Purple-leaf  Honeysuckle    Med. Sun-Shade    flowers. Attracts hummingbirds.  
Lonicera sempervirens          5-9 10' X 10'  Deciduous. Orange flowers in       
  Trumpet Honeysuckle         Med. Sun-Part     summer. Attracts hummingbirds.  
Mandevilla laxa                  9 12' X 8'   Deciduous. Very fragrant white     
  Chilean Jasmine             Med. Sun          trumpet flowers in summer.  

Tall Summer Vines

Actinidia arguta 'Issai'       3-8 30' X 30'  Rapid growing vine. Tasty fruit.   
  Issai Female Hardy Kiwi     Med. Sun-Part     Self pollinating.                
Campsis radicans                 5 40' X 40'  Deciduous. Attracts hummingbirds.  
  Trumpet Vine                Med. Sun-Part     Orange flowers in spring.        
Campsis tagliabu. 'Madame Galen' 5 15' X 15'  Deciduous. Salmon red flowers in   
  Madame Galen Trumpet Vin    Med. Sun-Part     late summer.                     
Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'     5 25' X 25'  Deciduous. Fragrant creamy         
  Hall's Honeysuckle          Med. Sun-Part     flowers in summer.               
Passiflora caerulea            7-9 30' X 30'  Semi-evergreen. White and purple   
  Blue Crown Passion Flwr.    Med. Sun          flowers in summer. Edible fruit. 
Passiflora pfordtii              9 20' X 20'  Semi-evergreen. White, pink, purple
  Passion Vine                Med. Sun          and lavender flowers. No fruit. 
Trachelospermum jasminoides    8-10 40' X 40'  Evergreen. Dark green leaves.      
  Star Jasmine                Med. Sun-Part     Fragrant white flowers in June.

Medium Fall Vines

Ampelopsis brivipendunculata     5 15' X 15'  Deciduous. Many clusters of small  
  Porcelain Berry Vine        Med. Sun          metallic blue berries in fall.   
Celastrus scandens               4 30' X 30'  Deciduous. Light green leaves.     
  American Bittersweet        Med. Sun-Part     Orange fruit on female plants.   
Vitis labrusca                   4 10' X 15'  Deciduous. Slip skin grapes.       
  American Grape              Low  Sun          Some varieties are seedless.     
Vitis vinifera                 6-9 10' X 15'  Deciduous. Thin skinned grapes.    
  European Grape              Low  Sun          Some varieties are seedless.     

Tall Fall Vines

Parthenocissus quinquefolia    4-8 30' X 30'  Deciduous. Superb orange to scarlet
  Virginia Creeper            Med. Sun-Shade    leaves in the fall.              
Parthenocissus tricuspidata      4 30' X 30'  Deciduous. Good wall cover. Red    
  Boston Ivy                  Med. Sun-Shade    fall leaves.                     

Medium Winter Vines

Jasminum nudiflorum              5 10' X 8'   Deciduous. Willowy branches. Yellow
  Winter Jasmine              Med. Sun-Part     flowers January to March.        

Low All Year Vines

Euonymus fortunei 'Colorata'     4 1' X 5'   Evergreen. Small, dark green leaves
  Purpleleaf Wintercreeper    Med. Sun-Shade   turn purple in winter. Can climb.

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