Shrubs by Flowering Season and Height

Shrubs by Flowering Season and Height

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by Rod Smith

© 1999-2025 Rodney A. Smith

You can find plants by common name by clicking on Common and Scientific Names of Trees, Shrubs, Vines & Perennials

PPL indicates that the plant is included in the Portland Plant List of recommended plants.

Click on underlined plant names to see a picture.

Low Spring Shrubs
Medium Spring Shrubs
Tall Spring Shrubs
Low Summer Shrubs
Medium Summer Shrubs
Tall Summer Shrubs
Low Fall Shrubs
Medium Fall Shrubs
Tall Fall Shrubs
Low Winter Shrubs
Medium Winter Shrubs
Tall Winter Shrubs
Low All Year Shrubs
Medium All Year Shrubs
Tall All Year Shrubs

Low = under 3 feet, Medium = 3 to 6 feet, Tall = over 6 feet
Plants marked PNP are included in the Portland Native Plant list of recommended plants.

Scientific name          USDA Zone Height X Width      Description
  Common name                Water Exposure

Low Spring Shrubs

Andromeda polifolia              2 1' X 2'    Evergreen. Pink Flowers in spring.
  Bog Rosemary                High Sun          Likes moist soil.
Azalea 'Gumpo'                   6 1' X 4'    Evergreen. Large pink or white
  Gumpo Azalea                Med. A.M. Sun     flowers in May and June.
Berberis (Mahonia) nervosa       6 2' X 4'    Native evergreen. Yellow flowers in
  Leatherleaf Mahonia         Low  Sun-Shade    spring. Drought tolerant.   PNP
Berberis thun. 'Crimson Pygmy' 4-8 18" X 2'   Deciduous. Purplish leaves. Yellow
  Crimson Pygmy Barberry      Med. Sun-Part     flowers and red berries. Thorns.
Berberis (Mahonia) repens      6-8 1' X 3'    Native evergreen. Yellow flowers in
  Creeping Oregon Grape       Low  Sun-Shade    March. Black, edible berries.
Daphne cneorum 'Ruby Glow'     4-9 1' X 1'    Evergreen. Pink flowers in April.
  Ruby Glow Rock Daphne       Low  Sun          Needs good drainage.
Genista lydia                  5-9 2' X 3'    Semi-evergreen. Yellow flowers in
  Lydia Broom                 Low  Sun          May. Drought tolerant.
Genista pilosa                   3 3" X 3'    Deciduous. Yellow flowers in late
  Creeping Broom              Low  Sun          Spring. Very drought tolerant.
Pieris taiwanensis 'Prelude'     5 2' X 2'    Evergreen. White flowers in spring.
  Prelude Andromeda           Med. Sun-Shade    Compact growth.
Pittosporum tob. 'Wheeler's Dwf' 9 2' X 3'    Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers
  Wheeler's Dw. Mockorange    Low  Sun-Part     in May.
Rhaphiolepis umbella. 'Minor' 8-10 2' X 2'    Evergreen. Dark green round leaves.
  Dwarf Yedda Hawthorn        Low  Sun          White flowers in spring & summer.
Rhododendron dwarf               5 1-3' X 3'  Evergreen. Many sizes and colors.
  Dwarf Rhododendron          Med. A.M. Sun     Some bloom in March. Some in May.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea minus      2 1' X 2'    Evergreen. Small white flowers in
  Lingonberry                 High Full Sun     May. Edible red berries.

Medium Spring Shrubs

Aronia species                 3-8 6' X 6'    Bluish-white flowers in May. Black
  Chokecherry                 Med. Sun-Part     fruit in fall and winter.
Azalea                         5-9 3' X 4'    Evergreen. Red, pink, white, blue
  Evergreen Azalea            Med. A.M. Sun     or purple flowers in spring.
Azalea exbury                  5-8 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Large pink, red, orange,
  Exbury Azalea               Med. Sun-Part     yellow or white flowers in May.
Azalea occidentale               4 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. Fragrant pink
  Western Azalea              Med. Sun-Part     flowers in May.
Azalea schlippenbachii           5 6' X 6'    Fragrant pink flowers in spring.
  Royal Azalea                Med. Sun-Part     Red/orange leaves in fall.
Berberis (Mahonia) aquifolium    5 5' X 3'    Native evergreen. Yellow flowers in
  Oregon Grape                Low  Sun-Shade    March. Black, edible berries. PNP
Berberis aquifolium 'Compacta'   5 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Yellow flowers in March.
  Compact Oregon Grape        Low  Sun-Shade    Black, edible berries.
Berberis gladw. 'William Penn' 4-8 6' X 4'    Evergreen. Bright yellow flowers in
  William Penn Barberry       Med. Sun-Part     spring. Thorns.
Berberis thunbergii            4-8 4' X 4'    Yellow flowers and red berries.
  Japanese Barberry           Med. Deciduous    Thorns. Some with red leaves.
Chaenomeles japonica           5-8 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Large pink, red or white
  Japanese Flowerng Quince    Med. Sun          flowers in March and April.
Choisya ternata               7-10 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Very fragrant white
  Mexican Orange              Med. Sun-Part     flowers in spring.
Cistus ladanifer              7-10 4' X 4'    Evergreen. White flowers with
  Crimson-Spot Rockrose       Low  Sun          crimson spot in May-July.
Cistus species                8-10 3-5' X 5'  White to purple two-tone flowers
  Rockrose                    Low  Sun          May-July. Tolerates salt & wind.
Daphne burkwoo. 'Carol Mackie' 5-8 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Yellow edged leaves.
  Carol Mackie Daphne         Med. Part shade   Fragrant pink flowers in Spring.
Deutzia gracillis              5-8 4' X 5'    Deciduous. Arching stems with white
  Slender Deutzia             Med. Sun-Part     flowers in May.
Exochorda x macrantha          5-9 6' X 8'    Deciduous. White buds resemble
  Pearlbush                   Med. Sun-Part     pearls in spring.
Forsythia suspensa               5 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Arching branches with
  Weeping Forsythia           Med. Sun          yellow flowers in March
Kalmia latifolia                 5 5' X 5'    Evergreen. Clusters of pink, red or
  Mountain Laurel             Med. A.M. Sun     white flowers in May and June.
Kerria japonica                  5 6' X 5'    Deciduous. Large yellow flowers in
  Japanese Kerria             Low  Sun-Part     March to May.
Leucothoe axillaris            5-8 3' X 3'    Native evergreen. Dark green leaves
  Coast Leucothoe             High Shade-Part   turn purplish. White flowers.
Leucothoe fontanesiana         5-8 3' X 5'    Evergreen. Pink, cream and green
  Leucothoe                   Med. Part Shade   leaves. White flowers in spring.
Loropetalum chinensis            7 5' X 5'    Purple round leaves all year. Pink
  Fringe flower               Med. Sun          flowers in spring and summer.
Osmanthus delavayi               7 4' X 4'    Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers
  Delavay Osmanthus           Low  Sun-Part     in April.
Physocarpus opulus intermedia    2 4' X 3'    Deciduous. White and pink flowers.
  Dwarf Ninebark              Med. Sun-Shade    Reddish brown fall leaves.
Pieris japonica                6-8 5' X 5'    Evergreen. White or pink flowers in
  Andromeda                   Med. Sun-Shade    March and April. Red new leaves.
Pittosporum tobira               8 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers
  Mock Orange                 Low  Sun-Part     in May and June.
Prunus glandulosa                4 5' X 4'    Deciduous. White or pink flowers in
  Flowering almond            Med. Sun-Part     March. Good for arrangements.
Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken 6 4' X 5'    Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers
  Otto Luyken Laurel          Med. Sun-Shade    in late spring. Easy to shape.
Rhaphiolepis indica              7 3' X 4'    Evergreen. White or pink flowers in
  Indian Hawthorn             Low  Sun          spring and summer.
Rhododendron                     6 4-8' X 8'  Evergreen. Many sizes and colors.
  Rhododendron                Low  A.M. Sun     Some bloom in March. Some in May.
Rhododendron 'PJM'               4 5' X 5'    Evergreen. Pink flowers in March.
  PJM Rhododendron            Med. Part Sun     Spicy fragrant leaves go purple.
Ribes alpinum                    2 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Yellow flowers in spring.
  Alpine Currant              Med. Sun-Part     Scarlet fruit in fall.
Ribes alpinum aureum             2-8 6' X 6'    Native deciduous. Yellow flowers in
  Golden Currant              Low  Sun-Part     Spring. Very drought tolerant.
Ribes hirtellum                  3 3’ X 3’    Small white flowers in spring.     
  Gooseberry                  Med. Sun          Delicious pink fruit in August.  
Ribes sanguineum               6-8 6' X 4'    Native deciduous. Red flowers in
  Red Flowering Currant       Low  Sun-Part     March and April. Dark berries.PNP
Rubus parviflorus                4 4' X 4'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Thimbleberry                Low  Sun-Part     May to June. Edible berry.    PNP
Rubus spectabilis                7 5' X 5'    Native. Deep pink flowers in spring
  Salmonberry                 Med. Part Shade   and edible berries in summer.
Sambucus canadensis Variegata  4-9 6' X 5'    Deciduous. Yellow edged leaves.
  Variegated Elderberry       Med. Sun-Part     Creamy white flowers in summer.
Skimmia japonica - female        7 3' X 3'    Evergreen. White flowers. Red
  Female Skimmia              Med. Shade        berries if male is nearby.
Skimmia japonica - male          7 3' X 3'    Evergreen. White flowers in April.
  Male Skimmia                Med. Shade        Pollinates female skimmias.
Skimmia japonica reevesiana      7 3' X 3'    Evergreen. White flowers in May.
  Reeves Skimmia              Med. Shade        Red berries in fall and winter.
Sorbaria sorbifolia              2 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Large clusters of tiny
  Ash Leaf Spirea             Med. Sun-Part     white flowers. Trim hard.
Spiraea prunifolia             5-8 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Arching branches with
  Bridal Wreath Spirea        Med. Sun-Part     white flowers in April and May.
Spiraea vanhouttei             4-8 3' X 4'    Deciduous. Long wands of white
  Bridal Wreath               Med. Sun-Part     flowers in April and May.
Symphoricarpos albus           3-8 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Common Snowberry            Low  Sun-Shade    May. White berries in Summer. PNP
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus       4 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Coralberry Indian Curant    Low  Sun-Shade    May. Coral berries in summer.
Syringa patula                   3 5' X 4'    Deciduous. Dense, twiggy, rounded
  Korean Lilac                Med. Sun          shrub. Lavender flowers in May.
Ternstroemia gymnathera          3 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Fragrant creamy flowers.
  Ternstroemia                Med. Sun-Part     Shiny green leaves.
Vaccinium ovatum               6-8 4' X 4'    Native evergreen. Pink flowers in
  Evergreen Huckleberry       Med. Sun-Shade    spring. Edible black berries. PNP
Vaccinium parvifolium            5 6' X 6'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Red Huckleberry             Med. Part Shade   April-May. Edible red berries.PNP
Viburnum carlesii              5-8 5' X 4'    Deciduous. Sweetly fragrant pink to
  Korean Spicebush            Med. Sun-Part     white flowers in March to May.
Viburnum davidii               7-9 3' X 4'    Evergreen. Leathery leaves.
  David's Viburnum            Med. Part Sun     Clusters of small pink flowers.
Viburnum tinus 'Compactum'       7 5' X 4'    Evergreen. Clusters of pink flowers
  Spring Bouquet Viburnum     Med. Sun-Part     in spring & summer. Black berries
Viburnum trilobum 'Compactum'    2 4' X 4'    Deciduous. White lace cap flowers
  Dwarf Cranberry Bush        Med. Sun-Part     in spring. Edible red berries.
Yucca filamentosa             5-10 4' X 3'    Native evergreen. Stiff leaves.
  Adams Needle Yucca          Low  Sun          Tall spike of white flowers May.

Tall Spring Shrubs

Amelanchier canadensis           4 10' X 6'   Native. White flowers in spring.
  Shadblow Serviceberry       Med. Sun-Shade    Purplish berries in summer.   PNP
Cercocarpus ledifolius           3 12' X 10'  Evergreen. Yellow funnel flowers in
  Curl-leaf Mtn. Mahogany     Low  Sun-Part     spring. Drought tolerant.
Corokia cotoneaster           8-10 8' X 5'    Evergreen. Sparse, tiny leaves.
  Wire-Netting Bush           Med. Sun-Part     Fragrant yellow flowers in spring
Forsythia inte. 'Lynwood Gold' 3-8 8' X 8'    Deciduous. Yellow flowers in March.
  Lynwood Gold Forsythia      Med. Sun          Yellow fall leaves.
Holodiscus discolor           5-10 12' X 10'  Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Ocean Spray                 Low  Sun-Part     May to July. Drought tolerant.PNP
Osmanthus fragrans               8 10' X 8'   Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers
  Sweet Olive                 Low  Sun-Part     in April. Attractive screen.
Prunus lusitanica                7 12' X 8'   Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers
  Portugal Laurel             Med. Sun-Part     in May. Good tall hedge.
Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' 6-8 9' X 6'    Deciduous. Pink, white & green
  Dappled Willow              Med. Sun          variegated leaves.
Sambucus caerulea                4 8' X 5'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Blue Elderberry             Med. Sun-Part     spring. Berries attract birds.PNP
Shepherdia argenteus             2 8' X 5'    Native deciduous. Silver gray. Red
  Silver Buffalo Berry        Any  Sun-Part     berries attract birds.
Syringa reticulata             4-9 20' X 15'  Deciduous. Large leaves. Large
  Japanese Tree Lilac         Med. Sun          white flower clusters in May-June
Syringa vulgaris                 3 8' X 5'    Deciduous. Very fragrant flowers in
  Common Lilac                Med. Sun-Part     mid-spring.
Viburnum carlcephalum            6 8' X 4'    Deciduous. Fragrant balls of waxy
  Fragrant Snowball           Med. Sun-Part     white flowers in April to June.
Viburnum lentago                 3 15' X 10'  Deciduous. Creamy white flowers in
  Nannyberry                  Med  Sun-Shade    spring. Edible red/black berries.
Viburnum opulus 'Roseum'       5-8 8' X 6'    Deciduous. White flowers in April
  Pink Snowball Bush          Med. Sun-Part     & May. Red fall leaves. No fruit.
Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii'     5 8' X 6'    Deciduous. Clusters of white 
  Maries Doublefile Vibur.    Med. Sun-Part     flowers on spreading branches.
Viburnum tinus 'Robustum'        7 10' X 6'   Evergreen. Clusters of pink flowers
  Roundleaf Laurustinus       Med. Sun-Part     in spring & summer. Black berries
Viburnum trilobum                2 8' X 8'    Deciduous. White, lace-cap flowers
  American Cranberry Bush     Med. Sun-Part     in spring. Edible red berries.

Low Summer Shrubs

Calluna vulgaris                 4 2' X 3'    Evergreen. Red, pink or white flow-
  Scotch Heather              Med. Sun          ers in summer. Needs drainage.
Caryopteris clandonensis       6-9 3'X 3'     Deciduous. Some have silvery
  Bluebeard                   Low  Sun          leaves. Blue flowers in summer.
Daboecia cantabrica              2 18" X 3'   Evergreen. Fine texture. Pink
  Irish Bell Heath            Med. Sun          flowers June to October.
Daphne med. 'Lawrence Crocker' 6-8 2' X 2'    Evergreen. Very fragrant lavender
  Lawrence Crocker Daphne     Med. Sun-Part     flowers spring to fall.
Escallonia x 'Newport Dwarf'     7 2' X 3'    Evergreen. Clusters of red flowers
  Newport Dwarf Escallonia    Low  Sun-Part     May to October. Attracts bees.
Hebe species                  8-10 30" X 30"  Evergreen. Many leaf sizes and
  Hebe                        Med. Sun-Part     colors. Blue to purple flowers.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia'      5 2' X 3'    Deciduous. Pink flowers in June to
  Pink Elf Hydrangea          Med. Shade        September. Good cut flower.
Philadelp. 'Miniature Snowflake' 4 2' X 2'    Deciduous. Fragrant white flowers
  Minia. Snowfl. Mockorange   Med. Sun-Part     in summer.
Rosa 'Flower Carpet'             5 2' X 5'    Evergreen. Very disease resistant.
  Flower Carpet Rose          Med. Sun          Red, pink, wkite, yellow or coral
Spiraea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer 4 2' X 3'    Deciduous. Red flowers in June and
  Anthony Waterer Spiraea     Med. Sun          again after a light shearing.
Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'   4-9 2' X 3'    Deciduous. Pink and white flowers
  Shirobana Spirea            Med. Sun-Part     on same bush in summer.

Medium Summer Shrubs

Abelia grandiflora               6 5' X 5'   Evergreen. Pink or white flowers.
  Glossy Abelia               Med. Sun-Part    Arching branches can be sheared.
Buddleia davidii'Nanohensis'     5 3' X 3'   Deciduous. Blue-green leaves. Sum-
  Dwarf Butterfly Bush        Low  Sun         mer flowers attract butterflies.
Callistemon cit. 'Little John'   8-9 3' X 5'    Evergreen. Red flowers in summer.
 Dwarf Bottlebrush            Med. Sun
Caryopteris x clandonensis     6-9 2' X 2'   Deciduous. Some have silvery
  Bluebeard                   Low  Sun         leaves. Blue flowers in summer.
Ceanothus impressus            7-9 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Small leaves. Blue
  Santa Barbara Ceanothus     Low  Sun-Part     flowers in June.
Cistus species                8-10 3-5' X 5' White to purple two-tone flowers
  Rockrose                    Low  Sun         May-July. Tolerates salt & wind.
Daphne transat. 'Jim's Pride'  5-9 3' X 3'    Semi-evergreen. Easy to grow Daphne
  Jim's Pride Daphne          Med. Part Shade   Fragrant white flowers May-August
Dichroa febrifuga              8-9 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Large flowers are usual-
  Dichroa                     High Shade        ly blue, but vary with soil pH.
Dichroa ver. 'Blue Flowered'   8-9 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Blue flower color may
  Blue Flowered Dichroa       High Shade        vary with soil pH.
Escallonia exoniensis            7 5' X 5'   Evergreen. Clusters of pink or red
  Escallonia                  Low  Sun-Part    flowers May-August. Attracts bees
Fothergilla gardenii           5-9 4' X 4'    Deciduous. Small white flowers in
  Fothergilla                 Med. Part Shade   Spring. Intense orange in fall.
Fuchsia magellanica            7-9 3' X 3'    Native. Red, white and violet flow-
  Hardy Fuchsia               High Part Shade   ers on rounded bush July to frost
Gardenia ja. 'Kleim's Hardy'  7-10 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Fragrant creamy yellow
  Kleim's Hardy Gardenia      Med. Sun-Part     flowers in late spring and summer
Hibiscus mutabilis 'Rubrus'      7 4' X 3'   Deciduous. Dies down to the ground.
  Confederate Rose            Med. Sun         Red flowers in summer.
Hydrangea macrophylla          6-9 5' X 5'   Deciduous. Large flowers in June to
  Big Leafed Hydrangea        Med. Shade       September. Good cut flowers.
Leycesteria formosa            7-9 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Purple flowers in summer
  Pheasant Berry              Med. Sun-Part     produce purple berries.
Lonicera nitida                6-8 5' X 5'    Evergreen. Green, yellow or reddish
  Box Honeysuckle             Med. Sun-Part     leaves. White flowers in June.
Philadelphus virginalis        4-8 6' X 2'   Deciduous. Fragrant white flowers in
  Virginal Mockorange         Med. Sun         June to August.
Pittosporum ten. 'Golf Ball'  8-10 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Dense and compact with
  Golf Ball Kohuhu            Med. Sun-Part     mint green leaves. Purple flowers
Potentilla fruticosa             3 3' X 3'   Deciduous. Yellow flowers all
  Potentilla                   Med. Sun         summer.
Rosa                             5 4' X 3'   Deciduous. Many sizes and styles of
  Rose                        Med. Sun         flowers in many colors all summer
Rosa gymnocarpa                  5 5' X 3'    Native deciduous. Pink flowers in
  Baldhip Rose                L-M  Sun-Part     summer. Red hips feed birds.  PNP
Rosa nutkana                     5 4' X 4'    Native deciduous. Pink roses in
  Nootka Rose                 Low  Sun-Part     June. Orange hips in fall.    PNP
Rosa pisocarpa                   7 5' X 5'    Native deciduous. Pink roses in
  Swamp Rose                  L_M  Sun          May-July. Red hips feed birds.PNP
Rosa rugosa                      3 5' X 5'    Deciduous. White to red flowers.
  Japanese Rose               Med. Sun-Part     Red fruit. Disease resistant.
Rosa woodsii                     5 6' x 6'    Native deciduous. Drought Tolerant.
  Wood's Rose                 Med. Sun-Part     Pink flowers. Hips feed birds.
Rubus parviflorus                4 4' X 4'    Native deciduous. White flowers in
  Thimbleberry                L-M  Sun-Shade    May for hummers. Edible berry.PNP
Rubus spectabilis                7 5' X 5'    Native. Deep pink flowers in spring
  Salmonberry                 Med. Part Shade   and edible berries in Summer. PPL
Rubus ursinus                    5 4' X 6'    White flowers in the spring. Deli-
  Dewberry                    Med. Sun-Part     cious berries in mid-summer.
Salix purpurea nana            4-9 4' X 4'    Deciduous. Small bluish leaves on
  Dwf. Alaskan Blue Willow    High Sun          purplish branches.
Sambucus canaden. 'Variegata'  4-9 6' X 5'   Deciduous. Yellow edged leaves.
  Variegated Elberberry       Med. Sun-Part    Creamy white flowers in summer.
Senecio greyi                    8 4' X 4'    Silvery gray leaves. Yellow daisies
  Daisy Bush                  Low  Sun          in Summer. Good cut foliage.
Sorbaria sorbifolia              2 5' X 5'   Deciduous. Large clusters of tiny
  Ash Leaf Spirea             Med. Sun-Part    white flowers. Trim hard.
Spiraea cantonensis              4 3' X 3'   Deciduous. Pink, double flowers in
  Reeves Spiraea              Med. Sun         summer.
Spiraea douglasi               5-8 6' X 5'    Native. Clusters of pink flowers in
  Hardhack Spirea             Med. Sun-Part     summer. White leaf underside. PNP
Vaccinium corymbosum             4 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Delicious fruit in Sum-
  Blueberry                   High Sun-Part     mer. Red fall leaves.
Weigela florida                5-8 6' X 6'   Deciduous. Fragrant white, pink or
  Weigela                     Med. Sun-Shade   red flowers all summer.
Yucca recurvifolia               7 6' X 3'   Evergreen. Single trunk. Blue green
  Yucca                       Low  Sun         leaves. White flowers in June.

Tall Summer Shrubs

Calycanthus floridus           5-8 10' X 6'   Deciduous. Fragrant maroon flowers
  Carolina Allspice           Med. Sun-Shade    in summer.
Cotinus coggygria              5-8 15' X 12'  Deciduous. Flower stalks like smoke
  Smoke Tree                  Low  Sun-Part     in July. Green to purple leaves.
Hibiscus syriacus              5-9 8' X 6'    Deciduous. Large red, pink, blue or
  Rose Of Sharon              Med. Sun-Part     white flowers June to August.
Hydrangea panic. 'Grandiflora' 4-8 12' X 8'   Deciduous. Flowers are long cones
  Peegee Hydrangea            Med. Sun-Part     of white in summer.
Hydrangea quercifolia          5-9 8' X 8'    Deciduous. Creamy white flower
  Oakleaf Hydrangea           Med. Sun-Part     clusters in June. Red fall leaves
Kolkwitzia amabilis              5 10' X 8'   Deciduous. Upright arching. Pink
  Beauty Bush                 Med. Sun-Part     and yellow flowers in June.
Lagerstroemia indica           6-9 12' X 6'   Deciduous. Spikes of white, pink or
  Crape Myrtle                Low  Sun          red flowers in August. Needs heat
Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum'    7 7' X 6'    Evergreen. Dark green leaves.
  Waxleaf Privet              Med. Sun          Fragrant white flowers in June.
Musa basjoo                   8-10 8' X 5'    Large bluish leaves. Large yellow
  Hardy Japanese Banana       Med. Sun-Part     flowers in summer.
Philadelphus lewisii           5-8 8' X 5'    Native deciduous. Fragrant white
  Native Mockorange           Low  Sun-Part     flowers in summer. Yellow in fall
Physocarpus capitatus          4-9 8' X 6'    Native. White flowers in spring.
  Native Ninebark             Med. Sun-Shade    Tolerates wet to medium soil. PNP

Low Fall Shrubs

Ardisia japonica                 6 12" X 18"  Evergreen. White flowers in fall.
  Marlberry                   High Shade        Red berries. Good groundcover.
Pernettya mucronata - female     7 30" X 3'   Evergreen. Tiny flowers. Pink, pur-
  Female Pernettya            Med. Sun-Part     ple, white or black berries.
Pernettya mucronata - male       7 30" X 2'   Evergreen. Tiny white flowers
  Male Pernettya              Med. Sun-Part     pollinate female flowers.
Rhus aromatica                   4 30" X 6'   Deciduous. Fragrant leaves when
  Fragrant Sumac              Low  Sun          crushed. Red fall leaves.
Viburnum opulus 'Nana'         5-8 2' X 2'    Deciduous. Dwarf ball. Red fall
  Dwarf Snowball              Med. Sun-Part.    leaves. Tolerates poor soil.

Medium Fall Shrubs

Callicarpa bodini' 'Profusion' 6-8 6' X 6'    Deciduous. Pink to purple leaves
  Profusion Beautyberry       Med. Sun-Part     and purple berries in the fall.
Cotoneaster species            5-8 3' X 4'    Evergreen or deciduous. White flow-
  Cotoneaster                 Low  Sun-Shade    ers in spring. Red-orange berries
Euonymus alata Compacta        4-9 6' X 6'    Deciduous. Brilliant red leaves
  Dwarf Burning Bush          Med. Sun-Part     in the fall.
Itea virginica                 5-8 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Fragrant white flowers
  Sweetspire                  Med. Sun-Part     in fall. Red-Purple fall leaves.
Rhus aromatica 'Gro-low'         4 3' X 8'    Low, spreading form. Red leaves in
  Gro-low Fragrant Sumac      Low  Sun-Shade    fall.
Viburnum edule                   4 8' X 6'    Deciduous. White flowers and red
  Squashberry                 Med. Sun-Part     berries. Red in fall.    WL birds

Tall Fall Shrubs

Arbutus unedo 'Compacta'       7-9 8' X 6'    Evergreen. Pink flowers. Edible red
  Compact Strawberry Tree     Low  Sun-Shade    fruit has mild strawberry flavor.
Cotoneaster lacteus (parneyi)  7-8 8' X 8'    Evergreen. White flowers in spring.
  Parney Cotoneaster          Low  Sun-Shade    Orange berries in fall.
Elaeagnus ebbingei            7-10 10' X 6'   Evergreen. Silver leaves. Fragrant
  Autumn Olive                Low  Sun-Part     white flowers in fall. Red fruit.
Enkianthus campanulatus        5-8 10' X 4'   Deciduous. Yellow/green/red flowers
  Redvein Enkianthus          Med. Part Sun     in May. Red fall leaves.
Hamamelis virginiana             5 10' X 10'  Deciduous. Golden yellow flowers
  Eastern Witchhazel          Med. Sun          and leaves in October-November.
Salix drummondiana               3 10' X 10'  Native deciduous. Distinctive long,
  Drummond Willow             Med. Sun          oval leaves. Yellow in fall.

Low Winter Shrubs

Erica species                  5-8 1' X 3'    Evergreen. Red, pink or white
  Winter Blooming Heather     Med. Sun          flowers in February to March.
Sarcococca hookeriana humilis  6-9 1' X 3'    Evergreen. Dark green leaves. Small
  Dwarf Himalayan Sweet Box   Med. Shade        fragrant flowers in Feb-March.

Medium Winter Shrubs

Camellia sasanqua              7-9 6' X 5'    Evergreen. Sun tolerant. Blooms
  Sasanqua Camellia           Med. A.M. Sun     November and December.
Corylopsis species             6-9 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Yellow flowers in late
  Winter-hazel                Med. Sun-Part     winter.
Daphne odora                   7-9 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Fragrant pink flowers in
  Fragrant Daphne             Low  A.M. Sun     February-March. Needs drainage.
Edgeworthia chrysantha           7 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Bright yellow flowers on
  Paperbush                   Med. Part shade   bare stems in winter.
Edgeworthia papyrifera           7 5' X 5'    Deciduous. Bright yellow flowers on
  Paperbush                   Med. Part shade   bare stems in winter.
Garrya elliptica              7-11 6' X 6'    Evergreen native. Leaves with woolly
  Coast Silk Tassel           Low  Sun-Part     yellowish catkins in Dec-Feb.
Ilex cornuta                     6 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Glossy green leaves.
  Chinese Holly               Med. Sun-Shade    Red berries all winter.
Ilex meserveae                   5 6' X 5'    Evergreen. Red berries on females
  Blue Boy/Girl Holly         Med. Sun-Part     in winter if male is nearby.
Nandina domestica                7 6' X 3'    Evergreen. Leaves turn red in win-
  Heavenly Bamboo             Low  Sun-Shade    ter. White flowers in May
Pieris taiwanensis             6-8 5' X 5'    Evergreen. Pink or white flowers in
  Taiwan Andromeda            Med. Sun-Shade    March and April. Red new leaves.
Sarcococca ruscifolia          8-9 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Dark green leaves. Small
  Fragrant Sweet Box          Med. Shade        fragrant flowers in Feb-March.

Tall Winter Shrubs

Camellia japonica              7-9 10' X 6'   Evergreen. Red, pink or white
  Camellia                    Med. A.M.Sun      flowers in January to March.
Hamamelis intermedia           5-9 10' X 10'  Deciduous. Fragrant red to yellow
  Witch Hazel                 Med. Sun          flowers in February to March.
Hamamelis mollis                 6 10' X 10'  Deciduous. Yellow flowers February
  Chinese Witch Hazel         Med. Sun          to March. Yellow fall leaves.
Osmanthus ilicifolius          7-9 8' X 5'    Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers
  Holly leaf Osmanthus        Low  Sun-Part     in fall, winter and spring.
Pyracantha coccinea              6 10' X 8'   Semi-evergreen. White flowers. Red
  Firethorn                   Low  Sun-Part     berries. Attracts birds. Thorns.
Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn'    7-8 8' X 5'    Deciduous. Fragrant pink flowers in
  Pink Dawn Viburnum          Med. Sun-Part     February-April. Red fall leaves.
Viburnum burkwoodii            4-8 8' X 4'    Semi-evergreen. Dark green leaves.
  Burkwood Viburnum           Med. Sun-Part     Fragrant white flowers in Feb-Mar

Low All Year Shrubs

Bamboo, Sasa pygmea              5 30" X 10'  Evergreen. Running. Plant in a big
  Pygmy Bamboo                Med. Sun-Part     pot to form a clump.
Cryptomeria ja. 'Vilmoriniana' 5-8 18" X 18"  Evergreen. Slow growing, dense 
  Vilmoriniana Cryptomeria    Low  Sun          globe. Turns bronze in winter.
Euonymus japon. 'Microphyllus' 6-9 18" X 12"  Evergreen. Slow growing, compact
  Box Leaf Euonymus           Med. Sun          shrub. Tolerates heat, poor soil.
Ilex crenata 'Helleri'         5-8 1' X 2'    Evergreen. Small leaves. Tiny white
  Heller's Japanese Holly     Med. Sun-Part.    flowers. Black berries.
Juniperus conferta               5 8" X 3'    Evergreen. Low, spreading branches
  Shore Juniper               Low  Sun          with long needles.
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific 5 8" X 3'    Evergreen. Low, spreading branches
  Blue Pacific Shore Juni.    Med. Sun-Part     with long needles.
Juniperus horizont. 'Bar Harbor' 3 3" X 4'    Evergreen. Low, spreading. Blue-
  Bar Harbor Juniper          Low  Sun-Part     green foliage. Good groundcover.
Juniperus horizont. 'Youngstown' 3 8" X 4'    Evergreen. Flat top spreader. Blue
  Youngstown Andorra Juni.    Low  Sun          foliage turns purple in winter.
Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltoni' 3 3" X 3'    Evergreen. Creeping with blue
  Blue Rug Juniper            Low  Sun          foliage. Needs good drainage.
Juniperus procumbens             4 2' X 6'    Evergreen. Low, spreading, bright
  Japanese Garden Juniper     Low  Sun          green foliage.
Juniperus procumbens 'Nana'      4 18" X 3'   Evergreen. Low mound of dark green
  Dwarf Japanese Garden J.    Low  Sun          foliage.
Juniperus sabina                 3 1' X 8'    Evergreen. Low, spreading, bright
  Savin Juniper               Low  Sun          green foliage.
Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia 4 2' X 10'   Evergreen. Dense symmetrically
  Tam Juniper                 Low  Sun          spreading green mound.
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'   4 2' X 4'    Evergreen. Silver blue foliage.
  Blue Star Juniper           Low  Sun          Rounded shape.
Paxistima myrsinites           5-8 30" X 3'   Native evergreen. Drought tolerant.
  Oregon Boxwood              Low  Sun-Part     No watering or care.
Pinus mugo 'Pumilio'             2 30" X 3'   Evergreen. Slow growing, rounded
  Dwarf Mugho Pine            Low  Sun-Part     shrub. Shear candles to shape.
Taxus baccata 'Repandens'        4 2' X 6'    Evergreen. Low, spreading, dark
  Spreading English Yew       Low  Sun-Shade    green shrub. Easily sheared.
Taxus cusp. 'Emerald Spreader'   5 30" X 8'   Evergreen. Low and spreading. Dark
  Emerald Spreader Yew        Low  Sun-Part     green needles. Red berries.
Tsuga canade. 'Cole's Prostrata' 4 2' X 4'    Evergreen. Good for creeping over
  Cole's Creeping Hemlock     Med. Sun-Part     walls or rocks. Can be staked.

Medium All Year Shrubs

Abies balsamea 'Nana'            3 3' X 3'    Small dense evergreen. Dark green
  Dwarf Balsam Fir            Med. Shade-Part   needles. Excellent bonsai plants.
Acer palmatum dissectum          5 6' X 8'    Low, mounding shape. Red or green
  Laceleaf Japanese Maple     Med. Sun-Part     leaves. Needs excellent drainage.
Berberis verruculosa           6-8 3'X 3'     Purplish flower and black berry.
  Warty Barberry              Med. Sun          Mahogany leaves in winter. Thorns.
Buxus microphylla japonica       5 4' X 3'    Evergreen. Excellent for hedges
  Japanese Boxwood            Med. Sun-Part     and topiary.
Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa 5 3' X 2'    Evergreen. Excellent for low hedge.
  Dwarf English Boxwood       Med. Sun-Part     Slow growing.
Cephalotaxus harringtonia     6-10 5' X 2'    Evergreen. Lustrous green needles.
  Japanese Plum Yew           Med. Sun_Shade    Females have red berries.
Chamaecyparis obtu. 'Compacta' 4-8 6' X 3'    Evergreen. Dark green foliage.
  Compact Hinoki Cypress      Med. Sun-Part     Grows open.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana'    4-8 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Slow growing. Dark green
  Dwarf Hinoki Cypress        Med. Sun-Part     foliage.
Chamaecyparis obtu. 'Torulosa' 4-8 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Irregular globe with
  Contorted Hinoki Cypress    Med. Sun-Part     twisted branches.
Chamaecyparis p. 'Fili. Aurea' 5-8 5' X 5'    Evergreen. Golden, drooping
  Goldthread Cypress          Med. Sun-Part     foliage.
Coprosma repens                  8 5' X 5'    Evergreen. Glossy green leaves turn
  Mirror Plant                High Sun          red-orange in fall.
Cornus alba 'Argenteo-margin.' 2-8 6' X 8'    Deciduous. White and green leaves.
  Varie. Tartarian Dogwood    Med. Sun-Shade    Red twigs. Tolerates soggy soil.
Cornus sericea                 2-8 6' X 8'    Deciduous native. White flowers in
  Redtwig Dogwood             Med. Sun-Part     winter. Red twigs in winter.
Cornus san. 'Midwinter Fire'   2-8 5' X 6'    Deciduous. White flowers & berries.
  Midwinter Fire Dogwood      Med. Sun-Part     Orange-red twigs all year.
Drimys lanceolata             8-10 6' X 6'    Evergreen. Coppery red new leaves
  Tasmanian Pepper Bush       Med. Shade-Part   complement red stems.
Euonymus japonicus             6-9 6' X 4'    Evergreen. Foliage in many colors.
  Japanese Euonymus           Med. Sun          Orange berries in fall.
Ilex cornuta 'Carissa'           6 3' X 3'    Evergreen. Glossy green leaves all
  Carissa Holly               Med. Sun          year on dense, compact plant.
Ilex crenata 'Convexa'         5-8 8' X 8'    Evergreen. Looks like a boxwood but
  Convex Leaf Japan. Holly    Med. Sun-Shade    hardier. Black berries.
Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'      6-8 6' X 1'    Evergreen. Tall and very narrow.
  Sky Pencil Holly            Med. Sun-Part     Small white flowers, black fruit.
Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Coast' 4 3' X 4'    Evergreen. Golden foliage. Very
  Gold Coast Juniper          Low  Sun          drought tolerant.
Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep' 3 5' X 7'    Evergreen. Mint green foliage
  Mint Julep Juniper          Low  Sun
Juniperus chinensis 'San Jose'   4 3' X 4'    Evergreen. Green foliage with
  San Jose Juniper            Low  Sun          splotches of yellow.
Picea abies 'Nidiformis'         2 3' X 4'    Evergreen. Dense blue-green shrub.
  Bird's Nest Spruce          Low  Sun          Easy to shape.
Picea glauca 'Conica'            2 6' X 3'    Evergreen. Dense, pyramidal, slow
  Dwarf Alberta Spruce        Low  Sun-Part     growing.
Pinus mugo mughus                2 6' X 8'    Evergreen. Slow growing, rounded
  Mugho Pine                  Low  Sun          shrub. Shear candles to shape.
Pinus strobus 'Nana'             3 6' X 8'    Evergreen. Slow growing. Rounded
  Dwarf White Pine            Low  Sun          shape. Soft bluish needles.
Platycladus orient. 'Aurea Nana' 5 4' X 2'    Evergreen. Golden foliage. Very
  Golden Berkman Arborvit.    Med. Sun-Part     slow growing.
Taxus cuspidata 'Capitata'       5 6' X 3'    Evergreen. Column of dark green
  Pyramidal Japanese Yew      Med. Sun-Shade    needles. Red berries in fall.
Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' 4-7 3' X 2'    Evergreen. Slow growing, dense cone
  Rheingold Arborvitae        Any  Sun-Part     shape. Golden foliage.
Thuja occidental. 'Woodwardii' 4-7 5' X 5'    Evergreen. Slow growing. Globe
  Woodward Globe Arborvit.    Any  Sun-Part     shaped.

Tall All Year Shrubs

Aucuba japonica                  6 8' X 6'    Evergreen. Large leaves with gold
  Japanese Laurel             Any  Shade-Part   spots. Red berries on females.
Bamboo, Fargesia nitida          5 12' X 5'   Evergreen. Hardy clumping bamboo
  Fountain Bamboo             Med. Shade-Part   with black stems.
Bamboo, Phyllostachys aurea      7 10' X 10'  Evergreen. Running. Golden stems.
  Golden Bamboo               Med. Sun-Part     Plant in big pot to form a clump.
Bamboo, Phyllostachys bambusoid. 7 30' X 15'  Runs to form big grove. Plant in a
  Timber Bamboo               Med. Sun-Part     big pot to form clump.
Bamboo, Phyllostachys nigra      5 7' X 10'   Evergreen. Runs. Stems turn black.
  Black Bamboo                Med. Sun-Part     Plant in a big pot to form clump.
Buxus sempervirens             6-9 10' X 4'   Evergreen. Excellent for tall
  English Boxwood             Med. Sun-Part     hedges or topiary.
Chamaecyparis obtusa           4-8 12' X 6'   Evergreen. Dark green foliage.
  Hinoki Cypress                d. Sun-Part     Open growth.
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Aurea'   4-8 12' X 6'   Evergreen. Golden needles. Open
  Golden Hinoki Cypress       Med. Sun-Part     growth.
Cordyline indivisa               9 10' X 4'-  Evergreen. Long, arching strap-like
  Dracaena Palm               Med. Full-Part    leaves.
Fatsia japonica                  8 8' X 5'    Evergreen. Large tropical leaves.
  Japanese Aralia             Med. Shade-Part   Tolerates all soils but soggy.
Feijoa sellowianna               8 10' X 10'  Evergreen. Leaves silvery white un-
  Pineapple Guava             Low  Sun          derneath. Edible flowers & fruit.
Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' 4 8' X 3'    Pyramidal evergreen. Blue green
  Blue Point Juniper          Low  Sun          foliage.
Juniperus chinensis 'Spearmint'  5 12' X 4'   Pyramidal evergreen. Fine, green
  Spearmint Juniper           Low  Sun          foliage. Very drought tolerant.
Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa'   5 10' X 8'   Evergreen. Irregular upright growth
  Hollywood Juniper           Low  Sun          with dark green foliage.
Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone'   3 8' X 3'    Evergreen. Bright gold, slow grow-
  Gold Cone Juniper           Low  Sun          ing. Very drought tolerant.
Juniperus sco. 'Tolleson's Blue' 3 15' X 8'   Evergreen. Wispy, blue-green,
  Tolleson's Blue Wpg. Jun    Low  Sun          drooping branches.
Juniperus scopulorum             3 15' X 8'   Pyramidal evergreen. Silvery blue
  Rocky Mountain Juniper      Low  Sun          foliage. Very drought tolerant.
Juniperus virginiana             4 10' X 6'   Evergreen. Green to silvery blue
  Eastern Red Cedar           Low  Sun          foliage. Very drought tolerant.
Juniperus virginiana 'Skyrocket' 4 15' X 3'   Evergreen. Tall, narrow spire with
  Skyrocket Juniper           Low  Sun          blue gray foliage.
Laurus nobilis                8-10 20' X 10'  Evergreen. Dark green leaves are
  Sweet Bay                   Low  Sun-Part     very aromatic. Used in cooking.
Morella californica              7 10' X 8'   Native evergreen. Excellent hedge
  California Wax Myrtle       Low  Sun-Shade    or screen. Attacts birds.
Photinia fraseri                 7 15' X 12'  Evergreen. Fast growing shrub for
  Red Tip Photinia            Med. Sun          tall hedge or screen.
Photinia glabra                  7 8' X 8'    Evergreen. Fast growing shrub for
  Japanese Photinia           Med. Sun          tall hedge or screen.
Podocarpus macrophyllus          7 15' X 6'   Evergreen. Pyramidal shape. Makes
  Yew Pine                    Med. Sun-Part     a good screen.
Prunus laurocerasus              6 15' X 10'  Evergreen. Excellent for tall hedge
  English Laurel              Med. Sun-Shade    or screen.
Punica granatum               8-10 10' X 10'  Evergreen. Fine foliage with red
  Pomegranate                 Med. Sun          flowers, orange fruit.
Rhamnus frangula 'Columnaris'    2 12' X 8'   Deciduous. Narrow column of fine
  Tallhedge                   Med. Sun-Part     leaves.
Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata'       4 15' X 6'   Evergreen. Dark Green needles. Red
  Irish Yew                   Med. Sun-Shade    berries. Easily sheared.
Taxus cuspidata                  4 8' X 8'    Evergreen. Dark green needles.
  Spreading Japanese Yew      Low  Sun-Shade    Easily sheared.
Taxus x media 'Hicksii'          4 8' X 3'    Evergreen. Narrow column of dark 
  Hick's Columnar Yew         Low  Sun-Shade    green needles. Easily sheared.

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